Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wow, it's been a long time

Wow it HAS been a long time. And I've had a lot to say, I just haven't said it. It's been busy at work (booo...bad excuse) and I just come home sometimes and go to sleep (or do things that don't take thought). But I committed to this blog and dagonit I plan to keep it up! So what have I missed?

White House Party Crashers
Tamiflu-resistant Swine flu
Tiger Woods getting the beat down of his life
Troops in Afghanistan

And all of that happened just this week!

I'm adding a gadget (or something) to the blog so you can see all of the things I share on my Google Reader (which I love). I hope you enjoy it too.

It's a great world, a scary world, a fun world. Love this city! Happy Holidays, and I promise to say more in the upcoming days and weeks!

Wait, does anyone actually read this?