Friday, July 31, 2009

Don’t Worry If Your Mask Doesn’t Inflate

You’re probably like me and don’t pay much attention to the safety message before a flight. And you definitely don’t take a look at the manual at your seat (except for the first flight you took after the landing on the Hudson). Usually, I’m trying to craftily hide my iPod cord so that the attendant won’t make me turn it off, while praying that the plane will stay in the air, and trying to understand exactly why the plane stays in the air.

When you fly frequently (or even yearly…or even once in the last 10 years), you pretty much know what the flight attendant or the video will tell you. Over head mask, exit signs, don’t smoke, your seat cushion floats. But what if just this once there’s something new? Ok there probably isn’t, but we should probably still pay attention. Sitting here at the computer, I know what to do if the cabin loses pressure. But honestly, I know I won’t stay calm on the plane if we have to brace ourselves for landing, and everything I thought I knew will hopefully not just ooze out of my brain (though I’m pretty sure my life jacket will be on backwards).

The airlines know this, too, and they want you to be safe. Luckily, the message is the same everywhere (who wrote the international script? That guy must be rich) but the delivery is now a treat in and of itself.

See what our friends down under are doing:

OMG they’re NAKED! This is funny :o) and it caught my attention. Maybe not for the full four minutes, but at least for a while.

Tomorrow, I hop on a Southwest flight to Providence for a weeklong vacay. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to the safety instructions. Those Southwest flight attendants are funny. And who doesn’t need a little humor when you’re thousands of miles in the air?

Friday, July 24, 2009

Wedded Bliss

It's summertime. Weddings are everywhere. And I love weddings. I mean, LOVE. L-O-V-E! I'd have one tomorrow if I could. But I'm still happy as a single girl. This is my dilema...

A woman gets to be a princess for a day. A man gets to shine like never before (or after). I've dreamed of my wedding (and planned many iterations of it in my head and on paper) since I was 6. It's how I learned the word "gazebo" (that's where I intended to say my vows until my godsister had her wedding in a gazebo). I wanted to wear Mrs. Piggy's dress back then. I just needed my Kermit the Frog. And I found him (but that's another post).

Some people hate weddings (blasphemy), but who could hate this:

How totally awesome (if 80s clothes can come back, 80s lingo can come back, too)! I'd never have the guts to do this (I'm pretty traditional really), and I've already forbidden my boyfriend from strolling down the aisle (it's BGLO tradition) at ours or anyone else's wedding. But I think this is really cool. I love the choreography :o)!

With an entrance like that, I WISH I could see the photos and video from the rest of the day.

Congratulations to all the newlyweds and soon-to-be-mrs(es). And good luck to all the upcoming bridesmaids (myself included. I might be the first bridesmaidzilla on the planet. I can't help it; I actually DO care what the napkins look like...please forgive me in advance).