Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I planned to start this blog the day I met President-Elect Obama. It was an amazing moment. He walked in the room, preceded by the tallest Secret Service agent I have ever seen, shook some hands, reached out to me, shook mine, said a few words, and moved on. I don't know what he said. Something about basketball and getting back to work. It really doesn't matter. It was still amazing. But life took over (after I stopped shaking from excitement and g-chatting about the moment to all of my friends) and I never got around to starting this blog.

So now I'm here. The night of President Obama's first address to the Congress, laying out his vision for the next four years. I must say, I hope it's eight years. That was just amazing. For so many reasons. What he said, who he is, all that he is not. I'm not grandizing him, but I believe in him and in his passion. It's not the first time I've been proud to be an American, but daggonit, it makes me proud of this country in ways that I've never felt before. Pride can grow, right? Well it feels pretty amazing right about now. And I can't WAIT until the 4th of July. Even if I do the same thing I've done for the past few years on July 4 this year, I promise it will FEEL different. And that's pretty cool.

Anyway, I don't know if you actually care what I think or what I don't think. But I like to talk. And this is my forum to put it out there for all to see. And it'll be a wide variety. Everything from music to fashion to politics to education to tennis to television shows to weddings to whatever. So enjoy!


  1. I'm so happy you finally started this! I'll be certainly suggesting commmentary throughout with my usual dose of ignorant intelligence ;)

  2. Girl I didn't even think about July 4th!! Ok so I'm actually kinda hyped about it now, LOL!!! Imagine that...

    A. Yang
