Thursday, February 26, 2009

Photo Shop?

HA! My first blog from a coffee shop. I feel so...techie! Anyway, I'm supposed to be doing work, but I'm sidetracked, as usual. Unemployment stinks (anyone looking for a great public policy maker assistant type of person????) but hopefully this status isn't for long. Verizon hates me right now. Well, it love me really. I can't stay off the phone with all this new free time, talking to people with jobs who thinks it's cool to call me on their office phones. "Hey look at me! I'm at work! I can use my office line. Costs me NOTHING!" Grrr....I should make the employed chatterboxes pay for my time...

Anyway, two photos have me excited today:
The First Lady wearing my favorite color and rocking the loose curls. It's a great look for her. Not an everyday kind of vibe, but definitely one worthy of a fun night out with Little Stevie Wonder!

Barnes & Noble is pulling a New York Post. I haven't confirmed if this image is real, but it doesn't look photoshopped to me. Apparently, this is some B&N in New Jersey. I Snoped it (I always check snopes before forwarding anything) but I didn't see any mention of it. I Googled it, and saw nothing. So I don't know. Someone get to the bottom of this! Not cool not cool! (Sidebar: making verbs out of nouns is fun! It drives Spellcheck--I say like it's my BFF--bananas.)

So what do we do? Should we write to the White House to let the FLOTUS know we're digging the look (s)? Do we boycott B&N, or is this just another "Tommy Hilfiger/Mystic/Timberland/etc. hate black people" internet urban legend?

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