Monday, April 13, 2009

Hiatus Over

Sorry about the delay. I've been busy. I finally got a job (yay health care). It's with the government, so you know that means most websites that are the least bit interesting are blocked by Big Brother (booo). So no blogging at work. But I figured a way around it. So when I can get a minute away from the piles of work I have trying to aid democracy, I'll update.

Moving on...

I hear my entries are too long. I'll work on it (but you know this is me we're talking about. brevity has never been my strong suit).

Anyway, the president was right (to my hidden chagrin). Oh UNC. Well congrats, I guess. Luckily, I love my president. Is this how the Repubs felt about Bush? Whoa. Scary. Maybe this is how they felt aboutReagon. Still...whoa. Scary. (note: "Ronald Reagan" is a bad word in my house. Pretty much up there with the F-word. You don't say it.)

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