Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hilarity of the Day

Today was the first day of a new late night line up. I discovered Conan O'Brien probably in high school, but totally changed my classes so I could stay up late and watch him while I was in college. I just love that Irishman! So at 12:36am, I was anxious to see what Jimmy Fallon had to offer. I think Jimmy is hilarious, so I was really expecting greatness. Ehhh, not so much. He was obviously and irritatingly nervous. But then again those are big shoes to fill. And Robert DiNero seemed like he wanted the guy to fail. I kept thinking, "Help him out, Bob!" Either way, the highlight of the show was definitely having the Roots as the in-house band. How cool is that? And this skit saved the night from utter humiliation. (?uestlove pretty much makes everything better.)

Kind of reminds me of this old joy.

Jimmy, you'll get the hang of it soon. I think the show will be great, and I plan to watch as often as I can. Reprising some of your best SNL skits might not be a bad idea. Just no more making out with fishbowls. That's kinda, well, gross.

And since we're talking SNL, this just never gets old.

On another note, what in the world????

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